The Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS) is the database HUD uses to check and store 50059 certifications and HUD HAP vouchers.
I thought I would provide a quick update about the planned 2.0.3.A release based on some great meetings with the folks at HUD HQ last week.
Since the original TRACS 2.0.3.A release date was pushed back, and since there are quite a few new changes and clarifications, HUD has determined that the TRACS Design Specification should be updated to incorporate those changes (smart thinking as far as I'm concerned).
Jed Graef (HDS) Co-chair of the TRACS Working Group - and I are working on incorporating these changes - including comments from the folks that attended the meeting. Unfortunately, that means another delay for the TRACS 2.0.3.A release (sorry RAD OAs).
New forms will be submitted to OMB and the Specification Document, currently posted on HUD's TRACS web site, will be updated. The current deadline for completion of the spec is March 30. (A big "shout out" to Yardi and NCHM for volunteering to help reformat the MAT Guide during this time.)
If HUD obtains OMB forms approval by March 30 (and that's a big IF), HUD will initiate a six month development window for software vendors.
Once development is complete, owner/agents will have at least four months to implement.
Sooooo, the release will be no earlier than late Q3/Q4 2020 and full implementation could be delayed until 2021.
Just thought you'd like to know.
Quite a few of our customers have requested that we provide TRACS training now to explain certification and voucher submission requirements. In response, we have added a two-part RBD Online Training Workshop - TRACS. The class is scheduled on April 28 and April 29. Join us for a complete explanation of: