HUD continues to communicate with industry stakeholders in response to COVID-19.
On March 24, HUD updated the Multifamily Housing COVID-19 Questions and Answers document and HUD says they will continue to provide updates.
The following is of special interest to those of you who are completing recertifications.
You can find the latest COVID-19 Q&A on HUD’s web site at
HUD also conducted a conference call yesterday, March 26. The following is of special interest to those of you who are completing recertifications.
Leading Age, an association dedicated to addressing issues surrounding housing and services for the aged, has posted their summary of this call on their web site at
Finally, after taking the “Handling Recertification” class, many of you have asked for more information about Streamlined Verification of Assets and Fixed Income and Streamlined Certification for Fixed Income Families. Using these verification methods, introduced in 2016 and 2017, can ease the burden of verification as you are creating Annual Recertifications. In response, we have added our Streamlining & The FAST Act online training workshop to our April calendar.
See Housing Notice 2016-09 Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Multifamily Housing Programs, RHIIP ListServ Posting 365 and Federal Register Notice Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Multifamily Housing Programs and Implementing Family Income Reviews Under the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act