In 2009, HUD issued Housing Notice 09-16 Exclusion from Annual Income of Temporary Employment from the U.S. Census Bureau to provide instruction regarding exclusion of temporary income received, by residents, from the U.S. Census Bureau.
On Friday, HUD released Housing Notice 2020-06 Exclusion from Annual Income of Temporary Employment from the U.S. Census Bureau.
This Notice is a reminder to owner/agents that, pursuant to Section 24 CFR §5.609(c)(9), any temporary income received from the U.S. Census Bureau is excluded from annual income.
Temporary (in this case) is defined as employment lasting no longer than 180 days per year and not culminating in permanent employment.
Keep in mind that, if the resident earns more than $600 in a quarter or more than $2400 in a 12-month period, this will cause EIV to generate an EIV Income Discrepancy.
You will need to document the tenant file to explain that the income was not included on the 50059 because it is excluded by regulation.