HUD Authorizes Multifamily Housing Management & Occupancy Reviews
On June 23, HUD issued a memorandum to Multifamily Housing stakeholders - Status of Management and Occupancy Reviews Performed by PBCAs.
Effective May 22, 2020, HUD has lifted the suspension of Management and Occupancy Reviews (MORs) performed by PBCAs (in locations where there are no restrictions by state/ local law or ordinance).
The memorandum also establishes an alternative manner in which an MOR may be conducted:
- Until September 30, 2020, HUD will allow PBCAs to conduct on-site MORs without entering resident units.
- For REAC follow-up, in determining whether EH&S and other deficiencies have been corrected, the PBCA must attempt follow-up via contact directly with the resident by phone or email and must document the results on the MOR report.
- A physical on-site visit to the property must still occur to document the physical conditions, general appearance, security of the property, but does not require an assessment of resident units.
- An on-site entrance/exit interview should occur except in instances where state or local law or ordinances prevent such meetings. In instances where interviews are prohibited, entrance/exit interviews should be conducted by telephone or email.
- All other portions of the MOR, Desk Review, and On-site review must be completed in their entirety. This includes an on-site review of tenant files.
- HUD is not authorizing the transfer, either electronically or physically, of tenant files off-site. This portion of the review can be completed without contact with management staff. The PBCA will identify the files for review in advance and those files can be selected and left in a secured location for the PBCA staff’s access on-site.
Owners and/or Agents will be contacted directly by their PBCA for scheduling of the MOR. HUD continues to encourage Owners and Agents to follow the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and the directions given by local health officials.
Our RBD HUD Today 2020 Online Class includes Sessions discussing:
- Session 2: Certification, Recertification & COVID 19,
- Session 3: Preparing for the MOR
- Session 4: Updating Property Policies and Procedures
In addition, in Session 1 we will discuss HUD’s Housing Notice 2020-01 Assistance Animals and in Session 5 we will go Beyond the Handbook and answer common questions that are not answered in HH 4350.3.
Click here for additional information and to register for this class.
HUD Today 2020 is offered in three different formats in July, August and September.