The decision to extend the CDC Moratorium on Evictions was extended yesterday, June 24, 2021, by the Biden Administration.
The extension will last for one additional month and will end on July 31, 2021. Please keep in mind that some states have announced Moratoriums on Evictions that extend beyond the CDC's July 31, 2021 deadline. A simple Google search will help you find resources. We use
Nothing in this Order precludes evictions based on other lease violations.
You can read the revised Order and the White House press release with additional resources here.
The Administration is publishing guidance to help make access to Emergency Rental Assistance easier. This includes but is not limited to:
For owner/agents and managers of HUD properties, remember that you can go ahead and issue Notices of Termination of Tenancy which would take effect after the Moratorium ends (no earlier than August 1, 2021).
Keep in mind that the Biden Administration is taking steps that will make legitimate eviction attempts even more difficult.
Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta is sending a letter to state courts encouraging them to adopt anti-eviction diversion practices.
This means that, if you do file for a justifiable eviction, you should be prepared to make a case. Especially in instances where residents had no real reason to stop paying rent or may have used the CDC Declaration to delay eviction when their income situation did not change as a result of the pandemic.
We have updated resources on our COVID-19 Resources Page.
You can find additional COVID resources on HUD’s Multifamily Housing COVID-19 Guidance page.
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