HH 4350.3 Paragraph 4-14 instructs owner/agents to collect race and ethnicity information during the applicant interview. The applicant provides self-certification of their race and ethnicity for data collection by using form HUD-27061-H (Exhibit 4-3). Completing this form is optional and there is no penalty for not completing it.
Instruction for using this report was provided by HUD in a 2003 DAS Memo.
“Owner/agents must offer the opportunity to the head and co-head of each household to self-certify during the application interview. This process will allow the owner/agent to collect the needed information for all members of the household. Parents or guardians are to complete the self-certification for children under the age of 18…
…Owner/agents are now required to have applicants complete and sign the [27061-H] at the application interview or at lease signing.”
We have posted a copy of this Memo on our resources web site for your convenience.
There are two forms:
In 2020, HUD Form 27061-H was removed from HUDClips in anticipation of the release of an updated form. Because of certain issues which have delayed release of TRACS 2.0.3.A, the new version of the form has not yet been posted.
This created a little bit of confusion in the industry.
To date, HUD continues to require use of HUD Form 27061-H to provide applicants the opportunity to disclose race and ethnicity information during the application interview or at lease signing. HUD has not issued instruction requiring the implementation of HUD Form 27061 since this is done through TRACS.
The recent communication from HUD announced that they have re-posted the original HUD Form 27061-H Race and Ethnic Data Reporting Form.
A newer, updated version of HUD Form 27061-H will be posted once TRACS 2.0.3.A and all related forms are approved. Until then, owner/agents should continue to use the version posted on HUDClips.
Note: this newly posted version still has an expiration date of 6/30/2017 and no longer includes instructions.