The Affordable Connectivity Program is a $14.2 billion program made possible by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This new federal subsidy program can help your residents pay for internet service.
The Affordable Connectivity Program, offered through many internet service providers, gives households $30 a month to cover the cost of internet service and a one-time subsidy of $100 for computer devices for eligible households. HUD has determined the $30 monthly benefit is a discount rather than true payments from a third party, and the $30 is not to be included when determining Annual Income. (Note it wouldn't be calculated for utility allowances either because internet isn't part of that assessment.)
Who is eligible to receive ACP Support? A household is eligible if a member of the household meets at least one of the criteria below:
Based on this guidance, most residents taking advantage of one of HUD’s Housing Assistance Programs (Public & Indian Housing or Multifamily Housing) would qualify.
To date, residents who receive HUD housing assistance are under-enrolled in the ACP program. Maybe that’s because they don’t know that the program is available.
HUD encourages owner/agents to make residents aware of this subsidy. To assist owner/agents with this effort, HUD has developed a Mini-Guide to the ACP to help staff conduct outreach and enrollment events. This mini guide builds on the ConnectHomeUSA (CHUSA) Webinar “Affordable Connectivity Program for ConnectHomeUSA Communities” held on March 15. You can find the full webinar online at the HUD Exchange.
For more information, view the ACP Fact Sheet and read the Press Release. The FCC has also published Affordable Connectivity Program Consumer Frequently Asked Questions.
Please contact if you have questions about how to help residents get connected.
Remember, if you are assisting residents who wish to take advantage of the subsidy provided through ACP, be sure to advise your Reviewer during the Management & Occupancy Review when answering question F24 on HUD Form 9834 which asks about provision of tenant services.