Understanding and implementing HOTMA changes before we begin creating 2024 certifications is a real challenge. We start creating 1/1/2024 ARs as early as September.
While we know this is going to create work and we know any change introduces stress, I want to emphasize the positive changes introduced by HOTMA in the hope that this will make the transition easier. You'll receive a HUDBlast every few days providing information about how HOTMA will make our jobs easier.
Be sure to sign up for the HOTMA OnDemand Training and the HUD Today 2023 Online class for more in-depth instruction.
HOTMA Positive Change 2 - HOTMA changes rules about the use of EIV Income Reports.
Starting 1/1/2024, OAs may, but will not be required to, review the EIV Income Reports (Income Summary, Income Detail & Income Discrepancy) before creating an Interim Recertification (IR).
None of the other EIV requirements have changed. OAs still review EIV Income Reports 90 Days after submission of a new Move-in, 90 Days after submission of an IR adding a new family member, and when creating Annual Recertifications.
If owner/agents wish to take advantage of this change, EIV Policies will need to be updated.
Thanks, HUD!
Remember, this HOTMA change is effective 1/1/2024.
We have released the RBD OnDemand Training - HOTMA - Multifamily Housing, which gives industry stakeholders a high-level overview explaining HOTMA changes that affect MFH programs.
Be sure to check it out HERE.
We recently announced our HUD Today 2023 Online Training Workshop schedule. Mary is back to:
To get more details, click here to see the HUD Today 2023 class agenda.
Classes are filling up quickly, be sure to register now before classes sell out!
We've also added a new HOTMA Resources page which will be updated as HUD releases clarifications and we develop new Resources for our customers.
New HOTMA FASTForms Coming Soon!!