RBD FASTFacts - 9887 with HOTMA As part of HOTMA, HUD plans to release a new 9887/9887A package. When that happens, rules surrounding the use of HUD Form 9887 will change. This FASTFact provides a quick explanation of the new rules. | |
RBD FASTFacts - Repayment Agreements HUD MFH Programs This FASTFact provides a brief explanation of how to handle HUD Repayment Agreements and how they appear on the property voucher submitted to TRACS (v 202D). | |
RBD FASTFacts - eSignatures eTransmission and eStorage HUD MFH Programs In 2020 HUD issued HSG Notice 2020-10 explaining requirements for eSignatures, eTransmission and eStorage. This is a summary of that Notice and an explanation of the impact on HUD’s MFH programs. | |
RBD FASTFacts - Section 8 Asset Restrictions – Real Property Suitable for Occupancy - HOTMA This document provides a summary of HUD’s new Section 8 Asset Restriction specifically related to the Real Property Rule. For HUD’s Multifamily Housing programs, the Section 8 Real Property Rule restricts assistance for new families who own Real Property Suitable for Occupancy. Owner/agents may choose to enforce this restriction when completing Annual and Interim Recertifications for existing assisted residents. | |
RBD FASTFacts - HUD Verification with HOTMA Changes This FASTFact explains new verification options and requirements under HOTMA. These changes will become effective when HOTMA compliant site software is available and implemented, and if owner/agents implemented any of these changes, a Note to File must be included in the applicant/tenant file. | |
RBD FASTFacts - HOTMA Change to IR For HUD’s Multifamily Housing programs, Interim Recertification requirements change significantly under HOTMA. This FASTFact provides a summary of mandatory and optional changes that may be implemented any time after HOTMA compliant site software is available and implemented. If any changes are implemented, a Note to File explaining which new rule was used must be included with the certification in the tenant file. RBD strongly recommends that owner/agents wait to implement changes to Interim Recertification until HOTMA compliant site software has been implemented. | |
RBD FASTFacts - Section 8 Asset Restrictions – New with HOTMA For HUD’s Section 8 programs, HOTMA introduces new Asset Restrictions related to the Net Cash Value of Included Assets (Asset Cap) and the ownership of Real Property Suitable for Occupancy (Real Property Rule). This FASTFact provides a summary of the rules and suggestions for describing these rules in your Tenant Selection Plan and/or House Rules. Section 8 Asset Restrictions must not be applied until new HUD leases have been released (by HUD) and executed. Release of new HUD leases is expected to coincide with the release of HOTMA compliant software (TRACS v 2.0.3.A). | |
RBD FASTFacts - Applying COLA with HOTMA With the release of HSG Notice 2023-10, HUD changes the guidance provided in HH 4350.3 Paragraph 9-6 related to applying Social Security COLA increases. This notice was revised and re-released in February 2024. In October 2024, HUD released HSG Notice 2024-09 Revised Compliance Date: Implementation of Sections 102 and 104 of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) further delaying the deadline to implement HOTMA to July 1, 2025. The guidance explained in this FASTFact should be used. | |
RBD FASTFacts - New Requirements for Distribution of Utility Reimbursements for MFH This is an explanation of the HUD’s latest guidance explaining how to handle Utility Reimbursements. | |
RBD FASTFacts - Eligibility of a Remaining Family Member This FASTFact was created to answer questions about what to do if the HOH, co-HOH or spouse leaves the unit for any reason, including death. Discussion includes Section 8 family properties, Section 8 elderly properties, 202/8, 202 PAC, 202 PRAC and 811 PRAC programs. We explain what to do when remaining members do not qualify for the 202/8, 202 PAC, 202 PRAC, and 811 PRAC programs. | |
RBDFASTFacts - Use of Marijuana This RBD FASTFact has been developed to help owner/agents understand their responsibilities and the current HUD rule. | |
RBDFASTFacts - Social Security Representative Payees This RBD FASTFact provides guidance for owner/agents who have residents who receive Social Security benefits that are handled by a Representative Payee that does not live with the beneficiary. | |
RBDFASTFacts - Social Security Income Verification – HUD Requirements This FASTFact provides an explanation of how industry professionals verify Social Security Income for HUD programs. We discuss use of EIV as Up Front Income Verification, and how to verify Social Security Income when EIV cannot be used (e.g. Survivors Benefits or verification for non-HUD programs). | |
RBD FASTFacts - Establishing a Homeless Preference Owner/agents are encouraged to implement a Homeless Preference. HUD offers Add-on fees to incent owner/agents to design and implement a homeless preference. This FASTFact provides information about HUD’s addon fees and additional resources. | |
RBD FASTFacts - HUD's Current Verification Requirements Owner/agents, reviewers, and HUD staff are responsible for staying up to date with changing requirements. With the release of HH 4350.3 Change 4 in December 2013, HUD started making significant changes to verification guidance in an effort to reduce the burden of obtaining verification. Additional changes were introduced in 2016 with the release of HUD HSG Notice 2016-09 Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Multifamily Housing Programs which introduced Streamlined Verification of Fixed Income. In 2017, 2018, and 2020, HUD finalized Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Multifamily Housing Programs and Implementing Family Income Reviews Under the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act which introduced Streamlined Verification of Assets and Streamlined Certification. This FASTFact Summarizes the changes and provides information about current verification requirements for HUD’s Multifamily Housing programs. | |
RBD FASTFacts - Peer to Peer Accounts Millennials have grown up, and while they were busy revolutionizing the technology sector with payment smartphone applications, HUD has not adapted to the changing realities of how people interact. Owner/agents must address how to handle new types of assets such as Peer-to-Peer payment apps (e.g., Apple Pay, Venmo, Cash App, Pay Pal, Zelle, etc.). Absent HUD guidance, we have prepared this FASTFact to assist our customers when developing their own policies. | |
RBD FASTFacts - Medical Expense HOTMA With the implementation of HOTMA, The handling of the Medical Expense Deduction (now called Health & Medical Expense Deduction) has changed. HUD now refers owner/agents to IRS resources to determine whether a Medical Expense should be included or excluded. In the FASTFact Medical Expenses – HOTMA, we explain the Health & Medical Expense Deduction requirements that owner/agents must implement starting with certifications effective when HOTMA compliant site software is available and implemented. In an effort to create a more comprehensive policy and to ensure that residents are treated in a fair and equitable manner, we created an unofficial list of medical expenses including some guidance on how these medical expenses may be treated when determining the medical expense deduction for qualified families. If HUD provides guidance in any of the known HUD resources or clarifications, we use HUD guidance. If HUD is silent, we consider guidance provided by the IRS and attempt to incorporate HUD rules. | |
RBD FASTFacts - OMB Forms Expiration Dates Rules about OMB forms prohibit edits. However, in some cases, HUD allows owner/agents to remove form expiration dates. This is true of most “TRACS forms”. Owner/agents must understand that forms cannot be edited without specific HUD permission. The original forms matrix was published on HUD’s RHIIP web site in 2008. We have updated the matrix and included form names and updated expiration information. | |
RBD FASTFacts – VAWA Forms Distribution Requirements This document explains the VAWA forms distribution requirements. This include HUD Form 5380 - VAWA Notice, HUD Form 5381 - Model VAWA Emergency Transfer (VET) Plan, HUD Form 5382 VAWA Certification, HUD Form 5383 - VET Request, and HUD Form 91067 VAWA Addendum. This document also includes sample VAWA language for your TSP and House Rules. | |
RBD FASTFacts – Criminal & Other Screening The Supreme Court disparate impact ruling caused all owner/agents to reevaluate criminal and other screening criteria. This FASTFact provides information about HUD’s criminal screening requirements. | |
RBD FASTFacts – EIV Reporting Requirements Review this document to understand the requirements for keeping a property EIV Master File. | |
RBD FASTFacts - EIV Master File Property managers must review two EIV reports every month (Identity Verification ) and three EIV reports every quarter (Deceased Tenant, Multiple Subsidy & New Hires). This document explains HUD’s requirements and provides suggestions about how to set up and maintain the EIV Master File. | |
RBD FASTFacts– Streamlining & the FAST Act with HOTMA Streamlined Determination of Income, Streamlined Verification of Assets Valued at $50,000 in 2024/$51,600 in 2025 or less and Streamlined Certification simplify the Annual Recertification Process. These options were introduced in 2016 and 2018 but have been modified with the implementation of HOTMA. This FASTFact provides a detailed explanation of each process. Owner/agents should note that they may implement none, one, two or all of the Streamlining options. | |
RBD FASTFacts - Calculating Income for Residents Who Work Partial Year This FASTFact explains how to project annual income when working with residents who work part of the year. For example, a teacher, school bus driver, or cafeteria worker may work 9 months out of 12. Learn how to correctly project income and also learn to identify a common mistake. | |
RBD FASTFacts– Hoarding Owner/agents should understand that hoarding may be a side effect or symptom of a disability. Review this document to obtain some insight in to your Section 504 responsibilities. | |
RBD FASTFacts– The Section 504 Coordinator Owner/agents with 15 or more employees, regardless of their location or position, must assign a person to coordinate efforts to comply with Section 504. Review this document for a summary of Section 504 Coordinator responsibilities. | |
RBD FASTFacts– Charging for Damages Caused by Bed Bugs HUD has concluded that owner/agents may charge for damages caused by bed bugs. However, owner/agents must implement a reasonable process to determine if bed bugs infestations were caused by a resident, resident’s guest or resident’s service provider. | |
RBD FASTFacts– When a Minor Does Not Have a SSN On April 6, 2016 HUD published the Streamlining Final Rule which added a new Social Security Number Disclosure exemption for minors (under the age of 6) at move-in. This document explains the old rule and the new rule for auditing purposes. | |
RBD FASTFacts– Children in Joint Custody Arrangements This document explains how to properly treat and document children in joint custody arrangements when both families receive HUD housing assistance either through HUD’s Public and Indian Housing programs or HUD’s Multifamily Housing programs. | |
RBD FASTFacts– HUD Lease Requirements Be sure that you fully understand the rules regarding lease documents as they relate to the HUD Multifamily housing programs. | |
RBD FASTFacts– Tenant Organizations Owner/agents are required to encourage residents to participate in tenant organizations. Review this document to understand key requirements for HUD’s Mutifamily Housing programs. | |
RBD FASTFacts– HUD File Recordkeeping Requirements This document provides a summary of the recordkeeping requirements for applicant files, resident files and EIV reports. | |
RBD FASTFacts – PBRA RAD – When TTP Exceeds Gross Rent For Component 1 PH to PBRA RAD, rent calculation rules allow for TTP to exceed Gross Rent. This means that the assistance payment is zero or negative. This document explains HUD’s requirements and provides a work-around to be used until TRACS v 2.0.3.A is released. | |
RBD FASTFacts - Monitoring TRACS This document provide instruction for monitoring TRACS certification submissions and ensuring that the property Optimum Compliance Percentage is 90% or more. A property’s Optimum Compliance Percentage must be at least 90% in order for the property voucher to be paid. | |
RBD FASTFacts - Ride Hailing and Other Gig Income As more and more residents earn gig income, owner/agents need to develop consistent policies used to project that income. While HUD has not provided guidance, RBD offers suggestions about how to treat this income and document the tenant file. | |
RBD FASTFacts - Verifying Checking Account Average Balance While it seems easy, owner/agents still struggle with verifying and determining the six month average for checking accounts. This document provides a complete explanation of the correct method used to determine the average balance. | |
RBD FASTFacts – Gross Rent Change Signature Requirements One of the most common questions we receive is about signature requirements for Gross Rent Changes. This document explains those requirements when the GRC is submitted using HUD Form 50059A or when the change is submitted with an AR, IR, MI or IC (50059). | |
RBD FASTFacts – Annual Recertification (AR) Billing This document provides a comprehensive explanation of the AR process. Examples include Example 1 – A Perfect World, Example 2 – What to Do When the Resident Reports After the Tenth Day of the Eleventh Month but Before the AR Date, Example – Late AR and Examples 4 and 5 – Sending the AR Using the Extenuating Circumstance Codes. |