RBD Component 1 PBRA RAD Reference Guide

RBD Component 2 Mod Rehab to PBRA RAD Reference Guide

RBD Component 2 202 PRAC to PBRA RAD Reference Guide

 This PBRA RAD Reference Guide provides a detailed overview of the PBRA RAD Program.  These guides provide an explanation of what happens after the contract closes.  Information about PBRA RAD resources, certification submission, voucher submission, the Management & Occupancy Review, Rent Increases and much more is provided.  

Instructions for PBRA RAD Conversion IC 202D
For those owner/agents converting to PBRA RAD, use these instructions when completing the Conversion IC moving the resident from the PH, PRAC, Mod Rehab, Rent Supp or RAP to PBRA RAD.  We edited the regular instructions and provide instructions specific to the RAD program. This document is not used for subsequent certifications.  See the regular 50059 Instructions.
 Latest PBRA RAD Notices from HUD
HSG Notice 2023-08 Rental Assistance Demonstration - Supplemental Notice 4B HSG Notice 2020-09 Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) - Supplemental COVID-19 Guidance HSG Notice 2019-09 Rental Assistance Demonstration HSG Notice 2018-05 Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) - Supplemental Guidance HSG Notice 2016-17 Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Notice Regarding Fair Housing and Civil Rights Requirements and Relocation Requirements Applicable to RAD First Component – Public Housing Conversions 


HUD RAD Email address
Email rad@hud.gov for information about RAD 1st Component
Email rad2@hud.gov for information about RAD 2nd Component
HUD has provided email addresses monitored by staff who can answer your RAD questions. Component 1 PH to PBRA RAD and Component 2 Mod Rehab/Rent Supp/RAP to PBRA RAD have specific email addresses so HUD is able to track questions and improve resources
 Sign Up for HUD’s RAD ListServ
Click here to sign up for the RAD Mailing List
 Sign Up for our HUDBlast
Click here to sign up for the HUDBlast
RBD monitors HUD and other industry web sites to keep abreast of changes that affect Multifamily Housing occupancy requirements. This ListServ provides you with occupancy updates and links to available resources. You can also view our
HUDBlast Archives
 HUD Web Sites
HUD Exchange - RAD
HUD’s RAD Web site

HUD’s RAD Resource Desk
 Apply for access to Secure Systems
If you do not have a Web Access Secure Systems (WASS) User Name (M-ID), use this link to begin the process to get access to the WASS Systems including EIV and TRACS
 Instructions for WASS Coordinator or WASS User Setup - Multifamily
HUD has provided a set of instructions explaining how to complete User and Coordinator Setup in HUD’s Web Access Secure Systems (WASS).
 EIV Quick Start
PHAs must switch from the PHA version of EIV to the Multifamily Housing version of EIV. Many PHA/OAs struggle to complete the setup. You get halfway through the process but get stuck at the point where you get a message saying that “No Contracts Assigned to This User”. You're almost there!! This EIV Quick Start provides step-by-step instructions about EIV setup and certification.  2018 version is available.
Also, see our EIV Resources Page
TRACS Quick Start Guide
This document provides quick step-by-step instruction explaining how to set up TRACS access.
TRACSMail ID Request Form
The purpose of this form is to request a new TRACSMail ID. This TRACSMail ID is to be used for the exclusive purpose of submitting Voucher and Tenant data. Each property should have a separate TRACSMail ID.
Also, see our TRACS Resources Page
Comparison - S8 PBRA RAD v. PRAC
This table provides comparison from PBRA RAD program to the PRAC program.
PBRA RAD Conversion FASTForms
Over the last two years, PHA/OAs and HUD have struggled to define this conversion process.  You need to establish access to HUD’s WASS databases used by Multifamily Housing Professionals (TRACS, EIV-MF). We provide step-by-step instructions explaining how to get access for your coordinators and users.  You need to establish existing residents in TRACS. We have explained the certification and voucher process.  This includes providing a set of instructions explaining what should be entered for each field of your Conversion IC (HUD 50059).  You need to send your vouchers to TRACS. Our PBRA RAD Reference Guide explains the voucher process including, but not limited to, how to submit your zero-vouchers, how to handle Rehab Assistance Payments, and how to submit vouchers for payment.  You need to set up tenant files so they comply with Multifamily Housing requirements which will be assessed during the Management & Occupancy Review. We provide a Conversion File checklist to help you make sure that your PBRA RAD tenant files are set up correctly.  We have also provided many of the forms necessary for compliant file setup under MFH rules.  All forms, notices and checklists are created using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Adobe Acrobat. Forms and checklists can be edited to accurately reflect and support your own processes.